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Who let the Dogs out... |
In the
park near the Kailashpatti Mandir there
is a beautiful big tree,
the items that people have used for their puja are left there,
food stuff is enjoyed by a large variety of animals…
lovely to see the peaceful interaction of Squirrels, Pigeons, Doves,
birds, Seven Sister Babblers, Sparrow , bright green Parakeets,
Crows, Dogs, Monkeys and Cows …
Every day early, a small gentleman visits that tree and feeds the beasties
from a big
bag of birdseeds and a pack of tiger biscuits,
he makes sure every single
creature gets something to munch on,
and in the meantime from a small radio inside his cotton
shoulder bag
lovely tunes of bhajans swirl up into the morning air…
Then some roughytoughy visitors like Uncle Ronnie and Mr.Biscuit
lovely tunes of bhajans swirl up into the morning air…
Then some roughytoughy visitors like Uncle Ronnie and Mr.Biscuit
barge into the middle of
this peaceful reunion..
The little gent is very happy and welcoming , these intruder's
audacity is payed back with a big smile and an extra treat.
This is the spirit of Delhi SDA park, i hope it's contagious.
Jaadoo ki Jhappis, your loving Isa Aunty ;-) xxx <3
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Tota-Television |
I'm writing to you just to let you know that every afternoon in Delhi
I watch Tota-Television from the rooftop barsati,
Where the highest branches of the Jacaranda trees are down below,
I get a birdseye view of the parakeet show,
It is very entertaining to see them hop flip flop and twirl
into a bright green explosion of squawking excitement,
when they get tired they suddenly pause to concentrate
on the bunches of berries, and pick them one by one
with the precision of rocket scientists
These little fellows are called IRN… but not NRI…
They are definitely residents… it is written that these Indian-Ring-Necked
parakeets are of the few parrot species who have adapted to living in a disturbed
habitat of ever growing urbanisations and and ever receding forests…
Thankfully these feathery fellows have the Neeli Gulmohar and many more
of Delhi's beautiful trees to live out their rainbow-chatterbox existence,
I heard by gossip through the grapevine that these lovely Rose-ringed parakeets
are sexually dimorphic, but mind not this is not an indecency it only means
that Mr.Tota sports a red neck-ring and Missus Tota doesn’t wear hers,
She prefers to go all in green...
I hope you enjoyed the news from my Rangeefirangee world,
Flying kisses and happiness allways, Isa-la-cacatua <3
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CR park Machlee Bazaar |
It seems to me that Chittaranjan park harbours Delhi’s nicest fish market,
The moment I walk into that place I feel like a happy cat…
Sparkle of scales, all colors and sizes, silver shining, a trickle of cold ruby blood,
The absent gaze of dead eyes on ice...
The bright glare of bare light bulbs reflecting from wet tiles,
Gurgling streams of water running into blue overflowing bucket,
Other scales with their rusty metal weights,
Big standing knives straight up on their massive cutting boards,
Colorful Bengali market men and women ,
Sounds, splashing, slicing, slapping, scraping, shouts and voices,
People picking and choosing, haggling and dealing,
Exchanges of recipes... Smells of spices in my mind,
The thought alone of all these delicious mouthwatering dishes,
My fantasy makes a run for it and I’m swimming like a fish… I love that place!
Actually CR park’s Machlee Bazaar is not fishy at all…
Everything is clear, crisp, fresh and beautiful …
There are even amazing pyramids of precariously displayed eggs
Supervised by keen eyed, proud, productive chickens,…
There is no question of what was first, chicken or egg… here Fish is first.
I hope you enjoyed this evening trip to the market,
Much love from the frying pan, with a kiss from Miss Farting-Flounder xxx
Postcards from the Vagabond Roads
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The Smokers and the Dog Kisser... |
Dear Trolly Tollbooth,
First of all, Please forgive me for passing you by this trip without as much as a glance,
the truth is since I'm in Love I have been very Absynth minded...
I'm writing this postcard to you, on a 3000 km non-stop roadtrip...
Our driver is an Artist, a Wizzard and a Genius...
We are all very obedient passengers....
My lover is terminally car sick, normally...
This time he has been taking some special pills that really make him drowsy,
Most of the time he is snoring in my lap, with his feet up in the air
His adorable little front teeth exposed in peaceful abandon...
My Love has been formerly very traumatised,
I picked him up at a Shelter, but not before he left his Balls in Belgium...
Anyway I finally got Lucky in Love...
He's getting better day by day...
The Master of our Carriage to Dracula's own country is Mercyful,
We get to stretch our legs from time to time at a random truckstop...
Instantly, every single passenger avidly dives into their sigaret stash,
But I don't smoke!... I kiss Dogs instead...
At the misty midnight hour on restless haunted rest areas in strange foreign lands,
a dozen Tsigan puff away like steam engines,
while one solitary Gadji kisses her pet Lucky...
I hope you can picture it, The Smokers and the Dog Kisser...
And please, Dear Tollbooth, don't feel abandoned ,
I'm sure plenty of goodygood people, in lesser Love,
Do, at anytime, give you their full attention, In an alternative reality...
Much Love from the Lovers, Byebye, don't catch cold, hasta nunca and hadebrade xxx
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Love before Democracy |
Christmas is a comercial affair in many places in the world...
In another ever so many places, Christmas is nothing at all...
Right here and now we have Comercial Christmas, New Year,
Orthodox Chrismas and St John the Baptist Festival all in a row...
Between people, some cosey happy reunions have to be organized,
Money has to be spent on fancy items of consumption...
While you are sitting there, your purrdy white snout in a pale ray of wintry sunlight, ...
Under the kindly watchful eye of a batfaced fluffy neighborhood dog...
People come and go on their shopping errands... Loaded like Donkeys,
Amongst Humans, there's a lot of Showing off, Pichica...
But, Where has the Love gone?!...
Then suddenly there is the lovelyest couple... negociating ice patches, slush puddles...
on their way home with their "Sarbatoare Fericit" shopping,
A bag of oranges, a bottle of Rakia and a tank of gas... Perfect balance between them,
They look like two peas in a pod, A lifetime of Love and Complicity...
I ask my Sweet Sister , " Why is this so rare these days ?!"
She promptly answers, "When this thing called Democracy happened,
Love disapeared...after that, people have looked at each other with Profit only in mind"
...She might have a point... Think about it ...
You can trust my sister, she knows a thing or two about True Love for sale,
and having her heart ground to dust in the mercyless mills of Capitalism ,
In some parts of the world, people are still able to fix things that threaten to fall appart
Some folks are not too spoiled, they know how to share, and are happy with less,
No need to be poor, but those who can't value what they have,
allways want more than their fair share...
They can never be Happy, and never allow others to get by...
What's the need to be stinking rich... We can't take it with us...
When a balance is found all will be well in the world...
In the mean time, dear PichikaMichika, try to be a good example,
And show the world that Dogs and Cats will allways manage to get along, ,
Much Love and Happy new year 2013,
Don't forget to wax your whiskers xxx
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Loneliness is the mother of the lamb... "Underneath the lantern By the barrack gate, Darling I remember The way you used to wait..." |